NRT & Associates, inc.

"Building Diversity and Strengthening Inclusion"

NRT & Associates, Inc. is a public affairs and public relations consulting firm based in Columbus, Ohio that specializes in community outreach for building diversity and strengthening inclusion. The firm brings many years of additional experience in event planning, fundraising, government relations, media relations, organization management, project management, research and writing.

Coordinated Campaign for Workforce Equity: Advancing Shared Prosperity

The Columbus metropolitan area is one of the fastest-growing economies in the nation, but research shows that the prosperity generated by the area’s tremendous growth has not been shared equitably with all workers. The Coordinated Campaign for Workforce Equity will bring additional focus to this issue as community leaders and organizations work together to address growing labor needs.  Learn more>>

Contract Awards & Employment

A major focus of NRT's work for the past 20 years has been to serve as a diversity and inclusion consultant for owners and developers on both public and private construction projects that have requirements for contract awards and employment.  Learn more >> 

Construction Skills Training 

The need for skilled workers in the construction industry is growing. This has provided an opportunity for unemployed and underemployed individuals to begin a new career path that can lead to very competitive salaries and benefits. Learn more >>

Mobilization for Minority Contractors

 A new program provides low-interest short-term loans for small contractors who cannot afford to wait on delayed payments from work on construction projects. The program increases the utilization of minority-owned subcontractors and creates jobs for local residents. Learn more >>

Our Impact 

NRT impact can be described as maximizing the inclusion of minority, female, and disadvantaged businesses on construction projects, breaking down barriers for minority contractors, and addressing the current labor shortage through construction skills training. Learn more >>